Office Safety

Office Safety

Safety in the office – are your employees trained?

An office environment could not be described as particularly hazardous, however, working with computers constantly is often associated with certain health conditions such as;  work related upper limb disorders, back injuries, eye strain, stress etc.  Because people do no perceive offices to be in any way hazardous, they often underestimate the risk of getting injured there.  Employees may have to climb to get a file from a high shelf, or may carry out simple manual handling tasks and this can result in them hurting themselves.

These conditions and injuries can cause considerable distress to those who suffer from them.  But also has a massive knock-on effect on businesses due to absenteeism, civil claims etc.  The positive news is, that work can be designed to reduce the risk of people suffering from work related ill-health.

Providing Information, Instruction and Training for employees is a statutory duty for employers.  Employees also have a statutory duty to look after their own health and safety and that of anyone who could be affected by their acts or omissions.  This course is designed to give office personnel a greater awareness of their responsibilities and includes all the relevant aspects of current statutory requirements.  It also will highlight how to stay safe whilst working in an office environment.

We offer this training in house for companies and tailor the content to fit in with policies and procedures in place.  If you would like further information, please just ask.


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